Who am i?

Just in case you're curious to know more about me..
Amsyar Bin Abdullah, Born and raised in Bintulu Sarawak. Graduated from National University of Malaysia (UKM) in Psychology. Currently pursuing Master’s in Philosophy (M.phil) in Psychology UKM.
Working as a teacher in an Islamic School in Bintulu Sarawak. Not as an Ustaz, but as a math teacher. While at the same time, trying to become a better writer by building this blog.
My Hopes
To inspire those who dream.
To offer change to those who seek.
To ignite what was faded.
To heal what was broken.
To remind what was forgotten.
Pergh, bunyi macam power. Tapi biasa-biasa je. Paling tidak pun, harapannya kita semua menjadi lebih baik. With me as the writer and you as the reader, both of us could be become better. InsyaAllah.