Ramadhan Series Finale 2025 – Look up to the stars (Part 2)

As we discuss the purpose and nature of the stars in the previous section, let us now draw the parallels between the stars and Al-Quran. 

Let’s connect the dots.

1st: Guidance for the travelers during the night

As the stars become the guidance for travelers during the night, the Al-Quran becomes the guidance for humanity during their darkest times.

شَهْرُ رَمَضَانَ ٱلَّذِىٓ أُنزِلَ فِيهِ ٱلْقُرْءَانُ هُدًۭى لِّلنَّاسِ

“The month of Ramadhan [is that] in which was revealed the Qur’an, a guidance for the people”(2:185)

The Quran’s fundamental purpose is to guide humanity to the straight path. Instead of becoming a slave of one’s own desires, deceived and deluded by this temporary dunya, the Quran offers an alternative, which is a path of forgiveness, salvation, and the return to our Lord in paradise, for anyone who seeks it.

Unfortunately, there are times when we, even as Muslims, undermine or fail to acknowledge the Quran’s power in giving guidance. Maybe it’s because we took it for granted?

Before Islam (or the Quran was sent down) the sahabah, the first recipient of wahy, had a different way of living. They were accustomed to the life and cultural ways of Jahiliyyah, where zina, arak, sembah patung, tawaf bogel, killing in the name of brotherhood (assobiah) and buang baby girl were seen as the norm. Or better yet, an obligation.

Dan demikianlah juga (jahatnya) ketua-ketua yang orang-orang musyrik itu jadikan sekutu bagi Allah, menghasut kebanyakan dari mereka dengan kata-kata indah yang memperlihatkan eloknya perbuatan membunuh anak-anak mereka, untuk membinasakan mereka, dan untuk mengelirukan mereka nengenai ugama mereka. (6:137)

But when revelation came, through Rasulullah SAW, their life changed completely. All the false rituals and the absurd cultural norms that existed and evolved for hundreds of years in Arabia had come to an end. The sabahah transforms from ‘orang kampung of Tanah Arab’ (Ummiyyin) to becoming the heroes of humanity, the best of all people, acknowledged by Rasulullah SAW himself,

“Sebaik-baik manusia adalah generasiku (sahabat), kemudian yang setelah mereka (tabi’in), kemudian yang setelah mereka (tabi’ut tabi’in).” (HR. Al-Bukhari No. 3650)

This is only possible through divine intervention (Al-Quran), proving that, when one holds firm to the words of Allah, then nothing is impossible. Now imagine the kinds of transformation the Al-Quran could bring in our lives when we choose to do the same.

Here we are, struggling to make a change, to become better, and to abandon our old ways. Yet, as we try, again and again, it seems impossible and hopeless, just like the lost traveler during the night. Then maybe all we need to do is LOOK UP and follow the Stars (Quran).

2nd: Beautification for the sky life

The Al-Quran, undoubtedly, is the most beautiful speech mankind has ever heard of. When I say speech, it’s not just about its content (eg: choice of words, the order, and arrangement of surah and ayat, and the message itself) but even how it is recited is beautiful. Despite not knowing any Arabic language, we’ve seen or read countless comments and praises, especially by non-Muslims regarding the beauty and soothing element of the recitation of the Al-Quran. Save to conclude that the Quran itself is beautiful.

But here’s another one, which is the role of Quran in the beautification of Life itself.

Let me explain.

Losing a child is something no parent should ever experience. Yet, some did. One of them is our messenger himself (SAW). He lost his newborn son, Abdullah in his early years of Dakwah in Mekah. And to add insult to injury, his own uncle Abu Lahab celebrated this death by calling Rasulullah “Al-Abtar” (Terputus Ketururan);

“Muhammad surah terputus keturunannya! Dia tidak akan ada pewaris”

I mean, come on Abu Lahab. You gotta be some kind of devil to even celebrate the death of a baby, let alone your nephew’s son. The loss is already painful as it is. Then add to that, a family member of your own is happy about it. I couldn’t have imagined what Rasulullah SAW was going through. The level of sabr that was required to endure such trial. Then, surah Al-Kautsar was revealed to comfort our beloved Prophet SAW,

إِنَّآ أَعْطَيْنَـٰكَ ٱلْكَوْثَرَ ١

Sesungguhnya Kami telah mengurniakan kepadamu (wahai Muhammad) kebaikan yang banyak (di dunia dan di akhirat).

فَصَلِّ لِرَبِّكَ وَٱنْحَرْ ٢

Oleh itu, kerjakanlah sembahyang kerana Tuhanmu semata-mata, dan sembelihlah korban (sebagai bersyukur).

Instead of addressing the loss (the death of his son), Allah SWT shifts the focus to what was abundantly given to the Prophet (SAW), giving him a reason to be grateful, rather than despair. On a later occasion, after the death of his wife and uncle (Year of Sadness), Rasulullah SAW was given another surah as an antidote for his sadness, which was Surah Yusuf. A surah that brings a message sabr and hope through the story Prophet Yaakub AS.

فَصَبْرٌۭ جَمِيلٌ ۖ عَسَى ٱللَّهُ أَن يَأْتِيَنِى بِهِمْ جَمِيعًا ۚ

“Beautiful Patience.Perhaps Allah will bring them to me all together.“(12;83)

That’s the second role of the Al-Quran, which is becoming the source of comfort and tranquility during our hardest times. A lens that helps us view our most brutal and painful experiences as something meaningful with a silver lining. At times when our whole life is surrounded by darkness, the stars (Quran) are there to help us see through the darkness and find beauty in it.

3rd: Protection against the devils

The history of humanity begins with one grave mistake, which is when Prophet Adam AS falls to the whispers and temptations of Iblis. It was Iblis who convinced Adam AS to eat from that one forbidden tree which was said to have the power to bless him and his wife with an eternal life in Jannah. Unfortunately, both of them were deceived, leading to their sentence to life on earth. But the temptation doesn’t end there, it was just the beginning. Cuz now, Iblis has a new mission. A mission to drag as many children of Adam as he could, straight to the gates of hell.

“I will surely destroy his descendants” (17;62)

The first mistake made by our father is actually a reminder for us. A reminder of our true enemy,

إِنَّ ٱلشَّيْطَـٰنَ كَانَ لِلْإِنسَـٰنِ عَدُوًّۭا مُّبِينًۭا

Sesungguhnya Syaitan itu adalah musuh yang amat nyata bagi manusia.

He pulled Adam AS and Hawa from Jannah to Earth. Therefore, if we’re not careful enough and keep making the same mistake over and over (falling to his temptation), then he will drag us again, but this time, it’s way down, down to the pits of hell.

What should we do then? How do we fight an enemy that we cannot see or hear?

Yup. You guess it. The Quran. The ultimate weapon to put syaitan in its knee. The weapon that gives us the internal strength and perseverance to withstand any form of temptation and worldly desires. The trump card we need to win this battle was always in our possession all along.

And when you recite the Qur’an, We put between you and those who do not believe in the Hereafter a concealed partition. (17:45)

And just like the stars, the Al-Quran also causes them to run.

“Do not turn your houses into graveyards. Indeed, Shaytan flees from a house where Surah Al-Baqarah is recited.” (Sahih Muslim, Hadith 780)

Thus, hold on to this star (Quran) throughout our lives. Cuz every day is a new battle. The battle against the whispers of syaitan and sometimes, even against our own nafs (desires). This battle will continue until our last dying breath. So, use this weapon to win the constant ongoing battle against the devil so that one day, we can win this war and eventually be separated from our worst enemy. As he entered and suffered in Jahannam forever, we would enjoy the infinite blessing in Jannah (InsyaAllah).

May Allah SWT grant us the path to Jannah Firdaus.

4th: Forecast of the future

Speaking of dying, it’s the few things in life that are certain. Everyone, like it or not, will experience sarakaratul maut. And the fundamental question is not the matter of ‘when‘, but ‘what‘ – what have we prepared for? Cuz as Allah has the power to bring the dead earth back to life, He also has the power to resurrect us from our slumber (death) to a day when every deed, sin, and action of ours will be held accountable. The day of ultimate judgment and justice. The day of يَوْمِ ٱلدِّينِ.

How do we know that day will come? The same way, we know when the winter season is coming, which is by looking at the stars (Quran). As the stars act as a sign for the coming of winter @ summer, the Quran acts as a sign for the coming of Judgment day.

Take surah Al-Waqiah for example, it (literally) tells us what’s going to happen during humanity’s final moments, forecasting the destruction of this world and the afterlife as though it happens in front of our eyes.

إِذَا رُجَّتِ ٱلْأَرْضُ رَجًّۭا ٤

(Ia berlaku) semasa bumi bergoncang dengan sebebar-benar goncangan

As it teases us with the rewards of Jannah,

عَلَىٰ سُرُرٍۢ مَّوْضُونَةٍۢ ١٥ مُّتَّكِـِٔينَ عَلَيْهَا مُتَقَـٰبِلِينَ ١٦ يَطُوفُ عَلَيْهِمْ وِلْدَٰنٌۭ مُّخَلَّدُونَ ١٧

(Mereka duduk di dalam Syurga itu) di atas takhta-takhta kebesaran yang bertatahkan permata. Sambil berbaring di atasnya dengan berhadap-hadapan. Mereka dilayani oleh anak-anak muda lelaki yang tetap kekal (dalam keadaan mudanya), yang sentiasa beredar di sekitar mereka. (Al-Waqiah 15-17)

It also warns us about the punishment of hell fire,

فِى سَمُومٍۢ وَحَمِيمٍۢ ٤٢ وَظِلٍّۢ مِّن يَحْمُومٍۢ ٤٣ لَّا بَارِدٍۢ وَلَا كَرِيمٍ ٤٤

Mereka diseksa dalam angin yang membakar dan air yang menggelegak. Serta naungan dari asap hitam. Yang tidak sejuk, dan tidak pula memberi kesenangan. (Al-Waqiah; 42-44)

And remember, the purpose of this forecasting, this glimpse into the future is so that, we are wise enough to make the right decision and preparations for the coming of that reckoning day, making sure that we are among those who are saved and rewarded, and not the opposite.

Just like when LAKU announced that there would be a cut of water in a few hours to come (also a form of forecast), our only rational response is to start filling as many of our buckets with water. Making our own ‘bekalan air’. Cuz we know, without water, without ‘bekalan’, life would be hard.

But what about our afterlife? What about ‘bekalan akhirat’? Isn’t the stars (Quran) enough of a sign that would compel us to stop lalai dengan dunia and start filling our buckets with good deeds? It should’ve.

Just like the stars, the Quran isn’t just a book that forecasts the future, it’s a book that urges and warns its reader to get ready. To get ready for the next life.

5th: Constant & Everlasting

Lastly, the Quran is undisputably the only book in the history of Mankind that never changes nor can it be corrupted. Just like the position of the stars that can never be altered or changed, not even in the slightest.

ٱلْحَمْدُ لِلَّهِ ٱلَّذِىٓ أَنزَلَ عَلَىٰ عَبْدِهِ ٱلْكِتَـٰبَ وَلَمْ يَجْعَل لَّهُۥ عِوَجَاۜ ١

Segala puji terentu bagi Allah yang telah menurunkan kepada hambaNya, Kitab suci Al-Quran, dan tidak menjadikan padanya sesuatu yang bengkok (terpesong) (Surah Kahf;1)

Compare that to the man-made books that keep on changing and publishing new editions year by year. Take Kamus Dewan for example, which was first published in 1970. And by 2005 (in less than 50 years) it underwent its 4th revision. These kinds of changes could occur for several reasons, such as minor errors, misspells, and updated info. Or maybe it’s because some of the content of the book became irrelevant as time passed by and as society evolved. As for the other religious scripture (eg; Taurat & Injil), the once-holy book that conveys the message of Truth from God has been tempered even by their own scholars due to man’s corruption and ego.

Yet the Quran, a book like no other, not only can never be changed but also can never be recreated by any man and will forever stay relevant as guidance for humanity. Hundreds of years have passed, yet the Quran we have today is the same Quran the messenger and Sahabah once read and believed. How is that possible?

It’s possible cuz Allah SWT put it upon Himself to preserve the Quran.

إِنَّا نَحْنُ نَزَّلْنَا ٱلذِّكْرَ وَإِنَّا لَهُۥ لَحَـٰفِظُونَ ٩

Sesungguhnya Kamilah yang menurunkan Al-Quran, dan Kamilah yang memelihara dan menjaganya (Al-Hijr:9)

Getting back to Surah Waqiah (75-78);

فَلَآ أُقْسِمُ بِمَوَٰقِعِ ٱلنُّجُومِ ٧٥

“I swear by the positions of the star”

وَإِنَّهُۥ لَقَسَمٌۭ لَّوْ تَعْلَمُونَ عَظِيمٌ ٧٦

“and this is indeed a mighty oath, if only you knew”

إِنَّهُۥ لَقُرْءَانٌۭ كَرِيمٌۭ ٧٧

“Indeed, it is a noble Qur’an”

Hopefully by now, we can start to appreciate this few ayat. Giving us a new way of seeing Allah’s creation, ie; the stars. Where most people would only find beauty in star gazing, we would find Allah SWT.

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