Bees. They sting, but actually, they’re really sweet. Or at least produce sweetness Just like your math teacher in school. Garang-garang dalam kelas tapi hujungnya dapat menghasilkan suatu kemanisan, iaitu A dalam matematik. Hehe.
I don’t know much about bees before writing this, other than those two things. They sting and produce honey. But after reading Surah Nahl, which literally translates to Bee, it got me curious, wanting to learn more about them. So here are some facts about bees and honey, if you’re interested.
Allah SWT describes in the surah, briefly, on how bees produce honey,
And your Lord inspired the bee, “Take for yourself among the mountains, houses, and among the trees and [in] that which they construct. Then eat from all the fruits and follow the ways of your Lord laid down [for you].” There emerges from their bellies a drink, varying in colors, in which there is healing for people. Indeed that is a sign for a people who give thought. (16;68-69)
A brief background on Surah An-Nahl, which also refers to Surah An-Ni’am. It’s due to the abundance of Nikmat that are being mentioned in this surah, given from Ar-Rahman, for all of His slaves to utilize and enjoy. From the smallest of things such as our clothes (ayat 81) and milk from our cows (ayat 66) to the most essential things in life, which are hidayah (guidance) and the Al-Quran (Ayat 43-44).
Among the other blessings that Allah gives to humanity, special emphasis is given to bees and honey in this Surah. (a.k.a Surah Bee). Here are 3 points on how humans benefit from bee and their honey.
1) Health Benefits
Most of us are aware of honey’s health benefits, so I won’t bore you with that. But for those who are unaware, here’s a short list of its benefits.
- Nutritional Boost
- Soothes Sore Throat
- Wound Healing and skin care
- Supports digestive health
- Energy Booster
- Antioxidant
- Improve sleep
- Strengthen Immunity
- Natural Sweeter.
Isn’t that amazing? When you think of it, medicine created by humans is mostly bitter and yucky. Yet a natural medicine created by Allah via Natural process is sweet and delicious.
2) Beeswax
Who would’ve thought that even honeycomb (sarang lebah) has its purpose? Aside from its amazing architectural design (hexagonal shape), honeycomb can be used as candles in the old days, becoming the source of light during night-time. Meanwhile, in this modern era, it (honeycomb) is being used as a coating to preserve food, a polisher for wood a lubricant for screws, and more.
3) Pollination
Then eat from all the fruits and follow the ways of your Lord laid down [for you].” (16;69)
Here’s the best part about bees. As the bees visit one flower to another to collect their food, pollen from one flower gets attached to the body of the bees. So, when it visits a new flower, it transfers the pollen (obtained from the previous flower) to the stigma of the new flower. Thus, fertilization occurs. Seeds and fruits are produced. This is how crops are produced on a large scale and eventually consumed and benefited by us humans. And get this, while we think Bees play a crucial role in the production of honey, they are also the main contributor to the production of crops in the field of agriculture. In other words, bees might be the reason that you are eating an apple right now.
Subnallah. Not only the process of making honey, but the place of making honey (honeycomb), and even the product itself (honey) have an abundance of benefits that humans could use and utilize in their everyday life. Both internal and external.
At first, we might think that honey, produced by bees is just ‘one’ kind of Blessing, among many that are mentioned in this surah. But as we ponder and think deeper as it was urged,
Indeed that is a sign for people who give thought. (16;68-69)
We finally realize that this one blessing was actually a tree of nikma’. It sprouts into countless new branches, where every branch is a new kind of nikma’ itself. In simple language, from a single nikma’, it opens up more and more nikma’.
Knowing this, now we can truly appreciate when Allah said in ayat 18 in Surah Nahl;
And if you should count the favor of Allah, never could you be able to count them……
The word used for ‘Favor’ in this ayat is نِعْمَةَ, is in a singular form. Meaning, that even with a single favor from Allah, we can’t truly comprehend and count it. Cuz, with one nikma’, sprouts countless more. Just like the blessings of the bees and honey. And Allah SWT didn’t just give us one kind nikma’, He gave us way more. More than we deserve. He has given us a life, parents who love us, a functional body, our health and wealth, our spouse and children. The list goes on and on.
So, since He has given us so much, beyond our grasp, the bare minimum we could do is to be grateful (Syukur). Right? But how can we? Is our syukur truly enough to compensate for what He has given us, which basically amounts to infinity? The answer is no. Our syukur will never be enough!
But isn’t beautiful, after we have realized the infinite amount of blessings that we are given, even from 1 nikma’, Allah continues by saying;
Indeed, Allah is Forgiving and Merciful. (An Nahl: 18)
We are not perfect. And will never be perfect. Not ourselves nor in the things we do. The same goes for being grateful. We can never be truly grateful to Allah SWT for the things He has given us. Even when we have forgotten Him, neglected His command, committed sins, and drowned in our lust and desire for this worldly life, He still gives.
Because He is All-Forgiving and also All-Loving.
He forgives our shortcomings in being grateful to Him. And He gives us this infinite blessing because He loves us.
Wahai manusia, tidak kah ini cukup? We have a God that gives, a God that loves us, and a God that forgives us. What more could we ask for? The only thing that Allah wants in return is our submission to Him.
Thus does He complete His favor upon you that you might submit [to Him]. (An-Nahl;81)
Let us ponder and appreciate the blessings that He has given us.
And let us become better Muslims.